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The temperature in Modesto, CA, can go scorchingly high during the summers. The highest-ever temperature recorded in Modesto was 113°F, recorded in 2006. Dry weather conditions may lead to dry eyes due to insufficient lubrication. 

While dry eyes do not pose a serious threat to eyes, they may lead to conditions that could impair your vision. Therefore, if you experience irritation or dryness in your eyes, you should immediately visit the nearest Eye center in Modesto, CA.

Understanding the causes of dry eyes

Reduced lubrication in the eyes is the main reason for dry eyes. It happens when one of the three layers of your tear film, viz. fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus, experiences a problem. You may experience symptoms like-

  • Eye discomfort
  • Blurred vision
  • Sandy or burning sensation on the eye surface
  • Redness in eyes

Issues like hormonal changes, inflamed eye glands, allergic eye disease, autoimmune disease, and various medical conditions and illnesses can cause dry eyes. However, dry eyes are mainly attributed to two conditions, i.e., decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation.

Common causes of decreased tear production, also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, are:

  • Aging
  • Medical conditions like Sjogren’s syndrome, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, vitamin A deficiency, etc.
  • Medicines like antihistamines, hormone replacement drugs, decongestants, antidepressants, etc.
  • Temporary symptoms like corneal sensitivity, nerve damage, etc.

On the other hand, increased tear evaporation is caused due to:

  • Meibomian gland dysfunction or posterior blepharitis.
  • Reduced blinking due to conditions like Parkinson
  • Eyelid problems like ectropion or entropion
  • Allergies
  • Topical eye drops with preservatives
  • Wind, dry air, smoke, vitamin-A deficiency, etc.

Complications associated with dry eyes

Dry eyes can lead to one or multiple of the following conditions if not treated promptly-

  • Since tears protect the surface of the eyes, you have an increased risk of eye infection without sufficient tears.
  • If not treated in a timely manner, dry eyes can lead to conditions such as eye inflammation, corneal surface abrasion, vision loss, and corneal ulcers.
  • Finding it difficult to perform day-to-day activities like reading, working on computers, watching TV, etc.

Professional Dry Eyes Treatment 

A proper diagnosis is required to find the root cause of dry eyes. The diagnosis may include a blood test, Schrimer’s test, fluorescein dye test, tear film osmolarity test, etc. After the diagnosis, your ophthalmologist may resort to:

  • Block tear drains in the eyes to increase tear retention through punctual occlusion.
  • Break down the obstruction in meibomian glands to enhance oil secretion through thermal pulsation.
  • Exfoliate the biofilm containing bacteria, eyelash mites, and crusting through BlephEx.
  • Improve oil secretion, break down obstructions in meibomian glands, and more through intense pulsed light.
  • Clear the obstructive scar tissues from glands through meibomian gland probing.

The efficacy of dry eye treatment relies on timely diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, ensure that you visit your ophthalmologist as soon as you experience symptoms of dry eyes.

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